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TikTok has announced to add new privacy settings for youth safety. These settings are primarily meant to give new users, especially young ones to have more power to control the content they share.

This includes age-appropriate privacy settings and controls. These changes are for users under age 18 aimed at driving higher default standards for user privacy and safety.

Tik Tok has changed the default privacy setting for all registered accounts ages 13-15 to private. With a private TikTok account, only someone who the user approves as a follower can view their videos. This will make younger users to be able to make informed choices about what and with whom they choose to share, which includes whether they want to open their account to public views.

Some other changes  include:

  • Tightening the options for commenting on videos created by those ages 13-15. These users can now choose between Friends or No One for their account; the Everyone comment setting is being removed.
  • Changing Duet and Stitch settings to now make these features available on content created by users age 16 and over only. For users ages 16-17, the default setting for Duet and Stitch will now be set to Friends.
  • Allowing downloads of videos that have been created by users 16 and over only. Other users can decide whether they want to allow downloads of their videos, though for users ages 16-17 the default setting will now be changed to Off unless they decide to enable it.
  • Setting “Suggest your account to others” to Off by default for users ages 13-15.

TikTok hopes that these setting will help increase control on personal content and its sharing in a better way.

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