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Telecom Foundation (TF) is a Trust established for the Welfare of employees of public sector organizations in telecom sector. It achieves its targets through profit generation by setting-up Industrial Ventures and undertaking Commercial and service activities. It has established a number of Limited Companies.

Over a period of time, Telecom Foundation has acquired the competence to accomplish the assigned tasks in accordance with the high standards of precision and perfection to the satisfaction of our valued clients. Being a progressive and service oriented organization, TF keeps endeavoring to attain better results and to acquire excellence in various fields with its expert services and products and exploring new vistas for the well-being of the serving and retired employees of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL), Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA), National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) and Frequency Allocation Board (FAB).

Board of Governors:

Telecom Foundation is governed by a Board of Governors comprising of seven members with Secretary Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication as its Chairman.

  • Secretary (IT & T)             Chairman
  • Additional Secretary (MoIT)        Member
  • Managing Director, TF    Member
  • EVP (Finance) PTCL         Member
  • Joint Secretary CADD     Member
  • Retd. SEVP PTCL)             Member
  • Secretary, TF      Secretary

Subsidiaries: The driving force behind TF’s struggle for excellence remains our commitment to foster the process of national development and modernization of local infrastructure. For taking an active part in the process, they have formed sound collaboration with the famous local and international communication companies directly or through our subsidiaries. These subsidiaries apparently represent different industrial and services sectors such as, manufacturing of telephone instruments, PVC pipes & products, high-tech services in data communication and the like.

However, the diversified operations of these companies are integrated in such a manner that they assist each other to add to total strength of the group, being major reason of our enviable success and we are determined to follow the strategy towards higher echelons of excellence in different fields of technology. These subsidiaries represent the range and variety of functions being performed and services being rendered by them.

1-Pak Datacom Limited

Pak Data Com Limited (PDL) a listed company on stock market, was established in 1992, to set up a country wide network for data communication, its management, maintenance and operation to serve the needs of its subscribers. PDL is using a wide range of technologies to provide reliable data communication services including VSAT, fibre optics and radio connectivity. PDL, having presence in all major cities of Pakistan, has established maintenance centers working round the clock. The Company proudly claims to be the an important player in “Data Communication Industry”.

2-TF Pipes Limited

TF Pipes Limited incorporated in May,1992 under the Companies Ordinance, 1984, manufactures top quality pressure and non-pressure PVC pipes, bends and sockets, with high chemical resistance, excellent mechanical and hydro mechanical performance and excellent water tightness. The pipes are manufactured on state-of-the art computerized machinery from Cincinnati Milacron (USA), with stringent quality control round the clock under the supervision of qualified professionals. TF Pipes Limited is an ISO 9002 certified company w.e.f. 01-01-2002 and got ISO 9001-2000 Certification in November 2003. The rated capacity of the plant is 6500 tons per year with size range from ½” to 12” dia for pressure pipes and ¾” to 6” dia for non pressure pipes. TF has 60% equity in the company, while PTCL 40%. An HDP production lines is likely to be installed shortly

Website: For more details about Telecom Foundation, please visit www.telecomfoundation.com.pk/.

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