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Seize the Night Photo Competition

Seize the night with Oppo R17 Pro smart phone. Your chance to win a 5-nights get away to Hong Kong.

Seize the Night Photo Competition

With so many talented Oppo photographers capturing life’s every day moments, we want to know how you seize the night.

The aim of this competition is to showcase and celebrate the artistic flair of Oppo photographers around the world and inspire others to appreciate the excitement and beauty that night time brings.

Participants in the competition will have a chance to have their work showcased on social media channels and win a 5-nigh trio to Hong Kong for two persons. (Twelve winners will be chosen world wide.)

How to Participate:

  1. Take a photo. Post it to your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook account using hashtag #SeizeTheNight and/or #ThatsMyNight;
  2. Tag @Oppo on instagram, twitter or facebook.
  3. Duration of the competition is from 12-Nov-2018 to 15-December-2018.

For more details please visit competition page.

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