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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the leading telecommunication company in Pakistan. The company provides telephonic and Internet services nationwide and is the backbone for the country’s telecommunication infrastructure despite the arrival of a dozen other telecommunication corporations, including Telenor Corps and China Mobile Ltd. The corporation manages and operates around 2000 telephone exchanges across the country, providing the largest fixed-line network. Data and backbone services such as GSM, HSPA+, CDMA, LTE, broadband Internet, IPTV, and wholesale are an increasing part of its business.

Originally one of the state-owned corporations (SOEs), the share holding of PTCL was reduced to ≈62%, when 26% of shares and control was sold to Etisalat Telecommunications and the remaining 12% to the general public in 2006 under an intensified privatization programme of prime minister Shaukat Aziz. However, the 62% of shares still remain under the management of government-ownership of state-owned corporations (SOEs) of Pakistan.

Corporate Vision

To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders’ value’.


To achieve our vision by having:

  • An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality
  • An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious
  • Services that are based on the most optimum technology
  • “Quality” and “Time” conscious customer service
  • Sustained growth in earnings and profitability

Core Values

  • Professional Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Loyalty to the Company

PTCL is all set to redefine the established boundaries of the telecommunication market and is shifting the productivity frontier to new heights. Today, for millions of people, we provide instant access to new products and ideas. More importantly, by setting free the spirit of innovation, we enable higher  living standards through our ICT services.

PTCL is going to be your first choice in the future as well, just as it has been over the past six decades.

Business & Corporate Users

For clear communication the first choice of business circles is PTCL landline telephone, for local, nationwide and international calling. Today businesses can have 10-100 lines with modern day services to meet their needs. These include options like Caller-ID, call-forwarding, call-waiting, Call Barring, to name a few.

Other business specific services include:

0800-Toll free number, 0900-Preminum rate services, VPN-Virtual Private Network, Audio Conference Service, Digital Cross Connect (DXX), ISDN (Policy), Teleplus (ISDN/BRI), Digital Phone Facilities/ Modification Charges, UAN, UIN.

Carriers Services

As carriers-carrier, we provide the core infrastructure services to the cellular, LDIs, Local Loop operators, ISPs, Call Centers and payphone operators.

We provide all carrier services, right from inter-connects and telehousing to DPLC and IPLC connectivity. Our interconnect services are provided from our 3200 exchange locations that connect your carriers networks domestically, in addition to providing IPLC bandwidths to connect you internationally through our four international gateways and SEA-ME-WE3, SEA-ME-WE4 and IMEWE submarine cables

Furthermore to provide connectivity to operators in the extreme remote areas of the country, PTCL launched its state of the art satellite service (Skylink).

PTCL satellite service (Skylink) is provided using the Intelsat Satellite System, an undisputed leader in satellite communications.

White Label Services

PTCL customers can now provide uninterrupted services to their clients without undertaking large scale investment in infrastructure or developing expertise in their own network.

PTCL White Label Services are focused on speed and simplicity at minimal capex. This enables our customers to offer their own branded WLL, DSL etc to customers nationally, together with an array of key support services.


PTCL landline has always been a part of family and providing services from generations and it continues to be the primary choice of customers for making voice calls for many decades. PTCL gives its customers highest quality at very affordable rates along with attractive packages and Value Added Services to choose from. PTCL offers many attractive packages like Freedom Package, International Packages, Mobile Buckets & Double Up Unlimited (double play services)

EVO Wireless Broadband

PTCL EVO Wireless Broadband is Pakistan’s fastest wireless internet which offers its customers – “superior high-speed wireless internet experience”. EVO Wireless Broadband is enabling the wireless broadband revolution in Pakistan like never before. PTCL EVO has revolutionized the way people connect to the internet. PTCL EVO gives its customers the advantage of seamless internet connectivity across Pakistan. EVO coverage is in over 350 cities, whereas EVO customers can also enjoy CDMA-1X data rates of up to 153.6 Kbps at more than 1000 destinations across Pakistan.

PTCL Introduced EVO Nitro in Pakistan – “The World’s first & most cutting-edge EV-DO Rev.B commercial network”. PTCL is the first operator in the world to commercially launch EV-DO Rev.B products, which offer blazing fast speeds of up to 9.3 MBPS.

EVO  Nitro is all set to meet the next-generation’s need for ultimate speed & superior performance. It is the next step in Evolution of the Wireless Broadband Revolution!

Whether it is streaming High Definition video or music, conducting a video conference while simultaneously browsing the Internet or uploading multimedia content, in the Nitro Universe, everything happens at the speed of light.

PTCL introduced Pakistan’s First  Enabled Smartphone Android Tablet—EVO Tab. Powered by Google Android Froyo 2.2 OS, EVO Tab is a 7’’ capacitive multi gestures touch screen tablet packed with features of both a tablet and a GSM phone that lets you surf, talk, tweet & do a lot more simultaneously on-the-go in more than 350 cities nationwide

PTCL has introduced pocket-sized EVO 3.1 mbps & Nitro 9.3mbps  Wi-Fi Clouds that enable its customers to create instant  Wi-Fi hotspot. Users can connect up to 5 Wi-Fi gadgets simultaneously, use these as external storage device via the provided Micro SD Card slot, and also use these to charge other devices. Both the Clouds have a super-charged built-in battery that lasts up to 12 hours.

Introducing Pakistan’s first Wireless Broadband USB modem with built-in Wi-Fi hotspot – EVO Wingle is all out & about! The most talked about futuristic Wi-Fi tool that lets you effortlessly connect multiple Wi-Fi gadgets simultaneously at Hyper Speeds of up to 9.3 Mbps* in over 250 cities, and auto switch over to EVO 3.1 Mbps speeds in over 350 cities. It lets you connect ’n’ share effortlessly through any external USB power adapter.

Broadband Pakistan

The largest and the fastest growing Broadband service in Pakistan, PTCL Broadband is making great positive changes in the lives of millions of people living in the country. Serving over 1.3 million satisfied customers in over 2000 cities and towns across Pakistan, PTCL has brought revolutionary efficiency and effectiveness in all segments of the society, be it the rural or the urban. Since its launch on 19th May 2007, all PTCL Broadband packages are designed for users to experience high-speed internet access with unmatched reliability, affordability and connectivity all at the same time.

PTCL holds credit for pioneering and steadily revolutionizing the broadband culture in Pakistan. Till about a decade ago, there was very little awareness in the country about broadband & high speed internet services. Today, PTCL has made broadband technology affordable by lowering the barriers to entry, by geographically bringing the service within the reach of a common user across Pakistan, and by continuous improvements in customer care for offered services. With Broadband Pakistan, all our subscribers get the chance to experience unlimited downloads, high speed browsing, uninterrupted video streaming, improved gaming experience, and access to rich HD multimedia resources over the internet.

Unique offers that make PTCL Broadband unmatchable are special packages for the student segment, FREE Wi-Fi modem, as well as FREE dial up service for Broadband customers. PTCL also offers FREE personalized e-mail accounts exclusively for all its broadband users. Offering the nation’s most popular Broadband service, Broadband Pakistan is contributing in socio-economic development of Pakistan and has rightly positioned PTCL as the nation’s information backbone. In addition to the positive contributions made, new discounted packages are also continuously being introduced in order to benefit the customer.

For a new Broadband connection, you can simply dial 0800 8 0800 or visit www.ptcl.com.pk

Smart TV (IPTV Service)

PTCL entered the media sector on 14th August 2008, by launching a digital interactive television service for the first time in Pakistan. PTCL brought Pakistan in the list of a few countries across the globe that offer this state of the art interactive TV service to its subscribers. PTCL SMART TV service using its state of the art Broadband network employs the IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) technology.

Branded as ‘PTCL Smart TV’, the service includes Interactive Television, Broadband and voice telephony all at the same time on PTCL’s telephone line. Besides offering the highest digital quality TV picture, the most revolutionary section of this offering is the ability to watch programs of previous four days; this feature is called catch up TV. The PVR feature allows viewers to record their favorite programs that are to be aired in the next 4 days and watch these programs at their convenience. Similarly users can also  ‘rewind’ and ‘pause’ live TV channels through TSTV ( Time Shift Television) feature, the ability to block / unblock any TV channel for parental lock and the ability to search through video on demand content. Currently PTCL Smart TV offers its viewers 140 + live channels and over  2000 hours of content  through its Video- on Demand service’. The service is available in more than  150 cities across Pakistan and PTCL is planning to expand to all remaining cities and towns across the country during the coming years


PTCL also continues to be the largest CDMA operator in the country with approximately 1.4 million Vfone customers. It gives the liberty of payment in both prepaid and postpaid options.

It offers fixed wireless telephone for your homes & business. With CDMA2000 1X technology, ours is the largest WLL network with a capacity of 2.6M, covering over 10,000 urban & rural areas. The network is already enabled for Voice, Dialup-Internet access (153.6kbps), SMS and for EVDO Broadband.

Vfone can be bought from our OSS (One Stop Shops) or from any PTCL franchisee. To get further details about your nearest PTCL OSS/franchisee please dial 1236.

International Network

PTCL’s ability to support both individual and corporate customers on a cross-border basis is anchored by its extensive network of submarine cables.
In order to ensure service availability to expanded customer base of PTCL, the said bandwidth procurement was strategically spread on each of our existing three submarine cable size. I-ME-WE, SEA-ME-WE3 and SEA-ME-WE4. PTCL is the only telecom operator in Pakistan having a network of three redundant and resilient submarine cable systems thus offering its customers better quality of service.

SEA-ME-WE-3 (South East Asia – Middle East and Western Europe – 3)

Sea-Me-We 3 is one of the longest cables systems in the world with a total length of 39,000 km. It includes 39 landing points in 33 countries and 4 continents from Western Europe (including Germany, England and France) to the Far East (including China, Japan and Singapore) and to Australia. The use of Wavelength Division Multiplexing greatly increases the capacity of the network allowing high quality transmission all the way over distances as far as from Germany to Australia.

SEA-ME-WE-4 (South East Asia, Middle East and Western Europe- 4)

The total length of the SEA-ME-WE 4 submarine cable system is approximately 20,000 km which consists of the main backbone across the Eastern and Western worlds and links 14 countries with 16 landing stations across Europe, Middle East and Asia. The system is amongst the most economical cable systems in the region and is built with state-of-the-art Terabit DWDM technology to achieve ultra-fast terabit per second connectivity. The construction of this cable system is testimony to the growing demand for high capacity broadband links that are essential in today’s world of high speed international connectivity and online business.

I-ME-WE (India-Middle East-Western Europe)

PTCL is a member of IMEWE Cable Consortium with its landing station at Karachi. IMEWE Submarine Cable is a Tera bit capacity submarine cable system connecting India to Western Europe through Middle East. The Cable system is 12,000 km long with 10 landing stations in 8 countries. The cable system is a three-fiber pair DWDM system with 128 wavelengths per Fiber pair. IMEWE cable system plays a pivotal role in meeting the exponential growth of bandwidth in the region.

Satellite Communication

PTCL has Intelsat Standard Earth Stations near Karachi and Islamabad. These installations provide the diversity for International voice connectivity and also work as Hub for domestic satellite users. There are four Intelsat Standard B Earth Stations at Islamabad, Gilgit, Skardu and Gawadar.

Company Registration Number : 0035959

Company NTN Number: 0801599-6

Registered Office

PTCL Headquarters,

Block-E, Sector G-8/4,

Islamabad-44000, Pakistan.

Fax: +92-51-2263733


Web: www.ptcl.com.pk

Associated Companies

Associated undertakings
  • TF Pipes Limited
  • Emirates Telecommunication Corporation
  • Etisalat International Pakistan
  • Etisalat – Afghanistan
Employees Retirement Benefit Plans
  • Pakistan Telecommunication Employees’ Trust
  • PTCL Employees’ GPF Trust
  • Telecom Foundation
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