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In Pakistan, the smartphone roar is taking over the entire country and many online businesses are trying to conform to the mobile first approach by catering to the smartphone generation.

Pakistan is reputedly one of the fastest expanding economies in the world and has now become one of the hottest station for the mobile industry and universal retail and e-tail giants.

It is presumed to become one of the most mobile-savvy countries in the world, with an evaluated 125 million mobile subscribers in 2015. But more significantly, smartphones make up a huge part of that number and are increasing in number each day. Smartphones made up 31% of all phone shipments in Pakistan last year, compared to only 13% in 2013.

When studied, Pakistan is 6th on the list of top smartphone markets for growth by value. It is mainly due to the increased usage of 3G/4G network services at an astounding rate in numerous cities around the whole country.

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