Telegram is now allowing to import chats of WhatsApp. The last week Signal challenged WhatsApp, copying several features from WhatsApp, and it’s the turn of Telegram now to do something. Today Telegram has silently released a new update that allows to move your chat history from other apps, including WhatsApp! This new tool will help in easy migration of user data on WhatsApp. It definitely will be liked and loved by
G is failing its smart phone business and reports have revealed that LG may be on its way out from the smartphone industry. LG is not alone in the competition of smart phones while there are so many other top brands including Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo etc. to compete the sales margin. For over a year LG has been in loss, with no good news in terms of sales
TikTok has announced to add new privacy settings for youth safety. These settings are primarily meant to give new users, especially young ones to have more power to control the content they share. This includes age-appropriate privacy settings and controls. These changes are for users under age 18 aimed at driving higher default standards for user privacy and safety. Tik Tok has changed the default privacy setting for all registered