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The Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT) is the national focal Ministry and enabling arm of the Government of Pakistan for planning, coordinating and directing efforts to initiate and launch Information Technology and Telecommunications programs and projects aimed at economic development of the country.

MoIT consists of one division; Information Technology and Telecommunications Division.

MoIT is a Cabinet-level ministry of the Government of Pakistan, concerned with Information Technology and Telecommunications.

Minister of State For Information Technology & Telecom: The current Minister of Telecommunication is Ms. Anusha Rahman.

Empowering the People of Pakistan through seamless access to accurate information and reliable services by means of ICT applications & Telecom platforms; and establishing a knowledge based economy

Mission: To create an enabling environment through formulation and implementation of policies and legal framework; providing ICT infrastructure for enhancing productivity; facilitating good governance; improving delivery of public services and contributing towards the overall socio economic growth of the country.

Website: www.moit.gov.pk

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