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How can I deposit money into my Mobile Account?

You can avail the services of nearly 60,000 JazzCash agents across Pakistan. Just type ‘M’ and send it on 2179 to see the nearest retailers in your vicinity. Cash deposits can be conducted through any of our agents.

How will I get the confirmation of my daily incentive?

SMS will be sent to the qualifying customers for the respective daily postings.

What if I want to register a JazzCash Mobile Account?

Jazzcash Mobile account can be registered on any network mobile number:

  • Biometric-verified Jazz and Warid customers can self-register their Mobile Account simply by dialing *786#.
  • Other network customers can register their Mobile Account through biometric verification by visiting nearest JazzCash Agents, Jazz Franchise or Experience Center.

What transactions do I need to conduct for getting the Minute/SMS incentive?

You must have conducted any of the following transactions within the last 30 days; in addition to maintaining the minimum balance amount to qualify for the incentive. The eligible Mobile Account transactions are:

  • Cash Deposit
  • Send Money
    • Send Money to JazzCash Mobile Account
    • Send Money to Other Operator Mobile Account
    • Send Money to CNIC
    • Send Money to Any Bank Account
  • Bill Payment
    • Electricity Bill Payment
    • Gas Bill Payment
    • Water Bill Payment
    • Telephone Bill Payment
    • Internet Bill Payment
  • Prepaid Load Purchase
    • Jazz Load
    • Other Operator Prepaid Load
  • Postpaid Bill Payment
  • Donations
  • Cash Withdrawal from Agent
  • Cash Withdrawal from ATM

What if I am maintaining the specific minimum balance amount but have not conducted a Mobile Account transaction within the last 30 days?

You will qualify for the incentive one day after you have performend any of the above mentioned Mobile Account transactions; provided that you still meet the minimum balance requirement. For example; if a customer has done one Jazz Load transaction on 5th April and maintains a balance of Rs.1000 on 19th April, then this customer will be posted free minutes and SMS on 21st April since he has been active in the last 30 days.

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