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Android O is touching down to Earth with the total solar eclipse, bringing some super (sweet) new powers!

On August 21st, a solar eclipse will sweep across the entire United States for the first time since 1918. Android is helping you experience this historic natural phenomenon so you can learn more about the eclipse and count down to the big day—when you’ll meet the next release of Android and all of its super (sweet) new powers, revealed via livestream from New York City at 2:40PM ET.

Corvallis, OR, United States will experience a total eclipse.

Two ways to watch live: Check out the eclipse via NASA’s 2017 Total Eclipse Live Stream, or tune into the reveal for Android O, livestreamed from NYC at 2:40PM ET.

Four your General Knowledge: How many eclipses happen per year?

According to EarthSky.org, bottom line: any calendar year has a minimum of four eclipses—two solar and two lunar. Most years have only four eclipses but depending on the year, it’s possible to have five eclipses, six eclipses, or as many as seven eclipses in one year’s time.

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